EDI Invoice

The invoice contains all the information for billing the order. In order for us to process your invoice correctly, the following information is required.

An example of an XML file including XSD validation can be found here. #toBeContinued

Invoice number (INVOICE_ID)
To identify the invoice, please enter a unique invoice number.

Vendor number (PARTY_ID type="buyer_specific")
To be able to assign the order confirmation to your account, please enter here your vendor number.

Role - Supplier (PARTY_ROLE)
You take on the role of the supplier.

Address information (ADDRESS)
Please enter your company headquarters in the corresponding fields.

Bank information (ACCOUNT)
Please enter your bank details according to the template.

Customer number (PARTY_ID type="supplier_specific")
This element is filled with our customer number.

Role - Buyer (PARTY_ROLE)
Since the buyer is BRACK.CH / Alltron AG, please fill in this field with the keyword "buyer".

Role - Delivery (PARTY_ROLE)
The delivery address is specified under the Delivery role.

Delivery address (ADDRESS)
Please enter the address of our logistics center in Willisau here.

Invoice Issuer / Biller (INVOICE_ISSUER_IDREF type="buyer_specific")
This field serves as confirmation and is filled in again with the vendor number.

Invoice recipient (INVOICE_RECIPIENT_IDREF type="supplier_specific")
This field serves as confirmation and is filled in again with the customer number.

Invoice Items (INVOICE_ITEM)
Create a separate INVOICE_ITEM element for each item.

Item number (your system) / (INVOICE_ITEM)
Your item number is entered here.

Item number (our system) / (INVOICE_ITEM)
Our item number is entered here. (Brack/Alltorn)

Quantity (QUANTITY)
In this field the delivery quantity is indicated in the unit piece.

Unit price (PRICE_AMOUNT)
Enter the unit price of the item here.

Price line amount (PRICE_LINE_AMOUNT)
Please fill in the total price of the line here. (QUANTITY * PRICE_AMOUNT)

Number of item lines (TOTAL_ITEM_NUM)
Please fill in the total number of item lines here.

Total price net (NET_VALUE_GOODS)
Total price, without TAX.

Total price gross (TOTAL_AMOUNT)
Total price, with TAX.

Apply according to template. The TAX element allows to set the tax rate in percent.

Description Data type LLength/format Sample XML content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <INVOICE version="2.1" type="standard" xmlns="http://www.opentrans.org/XMLSchema/2.1" xmlns:xmime="http://www.w3.org/2005/05/xmlmime" xmlns:ns2="http://www.bmecat.org/bmecat/2005" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
Our Order number String 250 <INVOICE_ID>I9999</INVOICE_ID>
Invoice date Datetime yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00 <INVOICE_DATE>2022-01-24T00:00:00</INVOICE_DATE>
Delivery date start Datetime yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00 <DELIVERY_START_DATE>2022-02-02T09:00:00+01:00</DELIVERY_START_DATE>
Delivery date end Datetime yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00 <DELIVERY_END_DATE>2022-02-09T09:00:00+01:00</DELIVERY_END_DATE>
Customer number String 250 <DELIVERY_IDREF>S123456</DELIVERY_IDREF>
Vendor number String 250 <ns2:PARTY_ID type="buyer_specific">K1234</ns2:PARTY_ID>
Role - Supplier String 20 <PARTY_ROLE>supplier</PARTY_ROLE>
String 50 <ns2:NAME>Ihre Firma AG</ns2:NAME>
String 50 <ns2:CONTACT_NAME>Boba Fett</ns2:CONTACT_NAME>
String 50 <ns2:STREET>Musterstrasse 10</ns2:STREET>
String 20 <ns2:ZIP>8000</ns2:ZIP>
String 50 <ns2:CITY>Zürich</ns2:CITY>
String 50 <ns2:PHONE>+41 88 888 88 88</ns2:PHONE>
String 50 <ns2:EMAIL>ihre@firma.com</ns2:EMAIL>
Bankverbidung <ACCOUNT>
String 50 <HOLDER>Ihre Firma AG</HOLDER>
String 100 <BANK_ACCOUNT type="iban">16075473007</BANK_ACCOUNT>
String 50 <BANK_CODE type="bic">8704</BANK_CODE>
String 50 <BANK_NAME>Crypto Banking</BANK_NAME>
Customer number String 250 <ns2:PARTY_ID type="supplier_specific">S123456</ns2:PARTY_ID>
Role - Buyer String 20 <PARTY_ROLE>buyer</PARTY_ROLE>
String 50 <ns2:NAME>BRACK.CH AG</ns2:NAME>
Customer number String 250 <ns2:PARTY_ID type="supplier_specific">S123456</ns2:PARTY_ID>
Delivery address String 20 <PARTY_ROLE>delivery</PARTY_ROLE>
String 50 <ns2:NAME>BRACK.CH AG</ns2:NAME>
String 50 <ns2:STREET>Rossgassmoos 10</ns2:STREET>
String 20 <ns2:ZIP>6130</ns2:ZIP>
String 20 <ns2:BOXNO>Ramps 12</ns2:BOXNO>
String 50 <ns2:CITY>Willisau</ns2:CITY>
Vendor number String 250 <INVOICE_ISSUER_IDREF type="buyer-specific">K1234<INVOICE_ISSUER_IDREF>
Customer number String 250 <INVOICE_RECIPIENT_IDREF type="supplier_specific">S123456<INVOICE_RECIPIENT_IDREF>
Currency Currencies <ns2:CURRENCY>CHF<ns2:CURRENCY>
Item positions list <INVOICE_ITEM_LIST>
Single item position <INVOICE_ITEM>
Position number <LINE_ITEM_ID>1</LINE_ITEM_ID>
Item number (our system) String 32 <ns2:SUPPLIER_PID>40.77504</ns2:SUPPLIER_PID>
Item number (your system) String 32 <ns2:BUYER_PID>994295</ns2:BUYER_PID>
Quantity Decimal <QUANTITY>4</QUANTITY>
Unit String 10 <ns2:ORDER_UNIT>PK</ns2:ORDER_UNIT>
Fixed Product price <PRODUCT_PRICE_FIX>
Unit price Decimal <ns2:PRICE_AMOUNT>1200</ns2:PRICE_AMOUNT>
Total price line Decimal <PRICE_LINE_AMOUNT>4800.00</PRICE_LINE_AMOUNT>
Total item lines Count <TOTAL_ITEM_NUM>1</TOTAL_ITEM_NUM>
Total price net Decimal <NET_VALUE_GOODS>4800.00</NET_VALUE_GOODS>
Total price gross Decimal <TOTAL_AMOUNT>5712.00</TOTAL_AMOUNT>
TAX Category String 80 <ns2:TAX_CATEGORY>standard_rate</ns2:TAX_CATEGORY>
Tax type String 250 <ns2:TAX_TYPE>vat</ns2:TAX_TYPE>
TAX percent (0.19 = 19%) Decimal <ns2:TAX>0.19</ns2:TAX>
Total price with TAX Decimal <TAX_AMOUNT>912.00</TAX_AMOUNT>