EDI Order

The purchase order (also referred to as the order) contains all information on ordering the items and the possibly deviating delivery address.

Order number (ORDER_ID)
To identify the order we fill in a unique order number in this field.

Customer number (PARTY_ID type="supplier_specific")
To make sure you can identify us properly, we fill in our customer number in here.


  • Buyer
  • Within this field we provide our company address, contact person, phone, email and our VAT number.

  • Delivery
  • Withing this field you can find our delivery address, which is our logistics center in Mägenwil.

  • Supplier
  • In the Supplier role, your company address is specified.

Vendor number (PARTY_ID type="customer_specific")
In order for us to be able to assign the order to your account, we need to enter your vendor nubmer.

Item number (your system) (SUPPLIER_PID type="supplier_specific")
Your item number is entered here.

Item number (our system) (BUYER_PID type="buyer_specific")
Our item number is entered here.

Price per piece net.

Description Datatype Length/format Sample XML content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <ORDER version="2.1" type="standard" xmlns="http://www.opentrans.org/XMLSchema/2.1" xmlns:xmime="http://www.w3.org/2005/05/xmlmime" xmlns:ns2="http://www.bmecat.org/bmecat/2005" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
Order number String 250 <ORDER_ID>1990810500</ORDER_ID>
Order date Datetime yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00 <ORDER_DATE>2022-01-24T00:00:00</ORDER_DATE>
Customer number String 250 <ns2:PARTY_ID type="supplier_specific">S123456</ns2:PARTY_ID>
Role - Buyer String 20 <PARTY_ROLE>buyer</PARTY_ROLE>
String 50 <ns2:NAME>BRACK.CH AG</ns2:NAME>
String 50 <ns2:CONTACT_NAME>Lukas Himmelläufer</ns2:CONTACT_NAME>
String 50 <ns2:EMAIL>luke.himmerllaeufer@competec.ch</ns2:EMAIL>
String 50 <ns2:PHONE>+41 62 889 80 80</ns2:PHONE>
String 50 <ns2:STREET>Hintermättlistr. 3</ns2:STREET>
String 20 <ns2:ZIP>5506</ns2:ZIP>
String 50 <ns2:CITY>Mägenwil</ns2:CITY>
VAT number String 50 <ns2:VAT_ID>CHE-110.105.084 MWST</ns2:VAT_ID>
String 50 <ns2:PHONE>+41 62 889 80 80</ns2:PHONE>
Customer number String 250 <ns2:PARTY_ID type="supplier_specific">S123456</ns2:PARTY_ID>
Delivery address String 20 <PARTY_ROLE>delivery</PARTY_ROLE>
String 50 <ns2:NAME>BRACK.CH AG</ns2:NAME>
String 50 <ns2:STREET>Rossgassmoos 10</ns2:STREET>
String 20 <ns2:ZIP>6130</ns2:ZIP>
String 20 <ns2:BOXNO>Ramps 12</ns2:BOXNO>
String 50 <ns2:CITY>Willisau</ns2:CITY>
Vendor number <ns2:PARTY_ID type="customer_specific">K1234</ns2:PARTY_ID>
Role - Supplier String 20 <PARTY_ROLE>supplier</PARTY_ROLE>
String 50 <ns2:NAME>Ihre Firma AG</ns2:NAME>
String 50 <ns2:STREET>Musterstrasse 10</ns2:STREET>
String 20 <ns2:ZIP>8000</ns2:ZIP>
String 50 <ns2:CITY>Zürich</ns2:CITY>
Customer number String 250 <ns2:BUYER_IDREF type="supplier_specific">S123456</ns2:BUYER_IDREF>
Vendor number String 250 <ns2:SUPPLIER_IDREF type="customer_specific">K1234</ns2:SUPPLIER_IDREF>
Currency Currencies <ns2:CURRENCY>CHF</ns2:CURRENCY>
List of ordered positions (lines)       <ORDER_ITEM_LIST>
Line number String 50 <LINE_ITEM_ID>10000</LINE_ITEM_ID>
Product info <PRODUCT_ID>
Item number (your system) String 32 <ns2:SUPPLIER_PID type="supplier_specific">40.77504</ns2:SUPPLIER_PID>
Item number (our system) String 50 <ns2:BUYER_PID type="buyer_specific">994295</ns2:BUYER_PID>
Quantity Number <QUANTITY>8</QUANTITY>
Unit Package Unit <ns2:ORDER_UNIT>C62</ns2:ORDER_UNIT>
Price net Number <ns2:PRICE_AMOUNT>83.7</ns2:PRICE_AMOUNT>
Line price net Number <PRICE_LINE_AMOUNT>669.6</PRICE_LINE_AMOUNT>
Order Summary <ORDER_SUMMARY>
Total lines Count <TOTAL_ITEM_NUM>1</TOTAL_ITEM_NUM>
Total price net Number <TOTAL_AMOUNT>669.6</TOTAL_AMOUNT>