EDI Order
The purchase order (also referred to as the order) contains all information on ordering the items and the possibly deviating delivery address.
Order number (ORDER_ID)
To identify the order we fill in a unique order number in this field.
Customer number (PARTY_ID type="supplier_specific")
To make sure you can identify us properly, we fill in our customer number in here.
- Buyer
- Delivery
- Supplier
Within this field we provide our company address, contact person, phone, email and our VAT number.
Withing this field you can find our delivery address, which is our logistics center in Mägenwil.
In the Supplier role, your company address is specified.
Vendor number (PARTY_ID type="customer_specific")
In order for us to be able to assign the order to your account, we need to enter your vendor
Item number (your system) (SUPPLIER_PID type="supplier_specific")
Your item number is entered here.
Item number (our system) (BUYER_PID type="buyer_specific")
Our item number is entered here.
Price per piece net.
Description | Datatype | Length/format | Sample XML content | ||||||||||||
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |||||||||||||||
<ORDER version="2.1" type="standard" xmlns="http://www.opentrans.org/XMLSchema/2.1" xmlns:xmime="http://www.w3.org/2005/05/xmlmime" xmlns:ns2="http://www.bmecat.org/bmecat/2005" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> | |||||||||||||||
<ORDER_HEADER> | |||||||||||||||
<ORDER_INFO> | |||||||||||||||
Order number | String | 250 | <ORDER_ID>1990810500</ORDER_ID> | ||||||||||||
Order date | Datetime | yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00 | <ORDER_DATE>2022-01-24T00:00:00</ORDER_DATE> | ||||||||||||
<PARTIES> | |||||||||||||||
<PARTY> | |||||||||||||||
Customer number | String | 250 | <ns2:PARTY_ID type="supplier_specific">S123456</ns2:PARTY_ID> | ||||||||||||
Role - Buyer | String | 20 | <PARTY_ROLE>buyer</PARTY_ROLE> | ||||||||||||
<ADDRESS> | |||||||||||||||
String | 50 | <ns2:NAME>BRACK.CH AG</ns2:NAME> | |||||||||||||
<CONTACT_DETAILS> | |||||||||||||||
String | 50 | <ns2:CONTACT_NAME>Lukas Himmelläufer</ns2:CONTACT_NAME> | |||||||||||||
<ns2:EMAILS> | |||||||||||||||
String | 50 | <ns2:EMAIL>luke.himmerllaeufer@competec.ch</ns2:EMAIL> | |||||||||||||
<ns2:EMAILS> | |||||||||||||||
String | 50 | <ns2:PHONE>+41 62 889 80 80</ns2:PHONE> | |||||||||||||
</CONTACT_DETAILS> | |||||||||||||||
String | 50 | <ns2:STREET>Hintermättlistr. 3</ns2:STREET> | |||||||||||||
String | 20 | <ns2:ZIP>5506</ns2:ZIP> | |||||||||||||
String | 50 | <ns2:CITY>Mägenwil</ns2:CITY> | |||||||||||||
Country | CH | <ns2:COUNTRY_CODED>CH</ns2:COUNTRY_CODED> | |||||||||||||
VAT number | String | 50 | <ns2:VAT_ID>CHE-110.105.084 MWST</ns2:VAT_ID> | ||||||||||||
String | 50 | <ns2:PHONE>+41 62 889 80 80</ns2:PHONE> | |||||||||||||
</ADDRESS> | |||||||||||||||
</PARTY> | |||||||||||||||
<PARTY> | |||||||||||||||
Customer number | String | 250 | <ns2:PARTY_ID type="supplier_specific">S123456</ns2:PARTY_ID> | ||||||||||||
Delivery address | String | 20 | <PARTY_ROLE>delivery</PARTY_ROLE> | ||||||||||||
<ADDRESS> | |||||||||||||||
String | 50 | <ns2:NAME>BRACK.CH AG</ns2:NAME> | |||||||||||||
String | 50 | <ns2:STREET>Rossgassmoos 10</ns2:STREET> | |||||||||||||
String | 20 | <ns2:ZIP>6130</ns2:ZIP> | |||||||||||||
String | 20 | <ns2:BOXNO>Ramps 12</ns2:BOXNO> | |||||||||||||
String | 50 | <ns2:CITY>Willisau</ns2:CITY> | |||||||||||||
</ADDRESS> | |||||||||||||||
</PARTY> | |||||||||||||||
<PARTY> | |||||||||||||||
Vendor number | <ns2:PARTY_ID type="customer_specific">K1234</ns2:PARTY_ID> | ||||||||||||||
Role - Supplier | String | 20 | <PARTY_ROLE>supplier</PARTY_ROLE> | ||||||||||||
<ADDRESS> | |||||||||||||||
String | 50 | <ns2:NAME>Ihre Firma AG</ns2:NAME> | |||||||||||||
String | 50 | <ns2:STREET>Musterstrasse 10</ns2:STREET> | |||||||||||||
String | 20 | <ns2:ZIP>8000</ns2:ZIP> | |||||||||||||
String | 50 | <ns2:CITY>Zürich</ns2:CITY> | |||||||||||||
</ADDRESS> | |||||||||||||||
</PARTY> | |||||||||||||||
</PARTIES> | |||||||||||||||
Order Summary | <ORDER_PARTIES_REFERENCE> | ||||||||||||||
Customer number | String | 250 | <ns2:BUYER_IDREF type="supplier_specific">S123456</ns2:BUYER_IDREF> | ||||||||||||
Vendor number | String | 250 | <ns2:SUPPLIER_IDREF type="customer_specific">K1234</ns2:SUPPLIER_IDREF> | ||||||||||||
</ORDER_PARTIES_REFERENCE> | |||||||||||||||
Currency | Currencies | <ns2:CURRENCY>CHF</ns2:CURRENCY> | |||||||||||||
</ORDER_INFO> | |||||||||||||||
</ORDER_HEADER> | |||||||||||||||
List of ordered positions (lines) | <ORDER_ITEM_LIST> | ||||||||||||||
<ORDER_ITEM> | |||||||||||||||
Line number | String | 50 | <LINE_ITEM_ID>10000</LINE_ITEM_ID> | ||||||||||||
Product info | <PRODUCT_ID> | ||||||||||||||
Item number (your system) | String | 32 | <ns2:SUPPLIER_PID type="supplier_specific">40.77504</ns2:SUPPLIER_PID> | ||||||||||||
Item number (our system) | String | 50 | <ns2:BUYER_PID type="buyer_specific">994295</ns2:BUYER_PID> | ||||||||||||
</PRODUCT_ID> | |||||||||||||||
Quantity | Number | <QUANTITY>8</QUANTITY> | |||||||||||||
Unit | Package Unit | <ns2:ORDER_UNIT>C62</ns2:ORDER_UNIT> | |||||||||||||
Price info | <PRODUCT_PRICE_FIX> | ||||||||||||||
Price net | Number | <ns2:PRICE_AMOUNT>83.7</ns2:PRICE_AMOUNT> | |||||||||||||
</PRODUCT_PRICE_FIX> | |||||||||||||||
Line price net | Number | <PRICE_LINE_AMOUNT>669.6</PRICE_LINE_AMOUNT> | |||||||||||||
</ORDER_ITEM> | |||||||||||||||
</ORDER_ITEM_LIST> | |||||||||||||||
Order Summary | <ORDER_SUMMARY> | ||||||||||||||
Total lines | Count | <TOTAL_ITEM_NUM>1</TOTAL_ITEM_NUM> | |||||||||||||
Total price net | Number | <TOTAL_AMOUNT>669.6</TOTAL_AMOUNT> | |||||||||||||
</ORDER_SUMMARY> | |||||||||||||||
</ORDER> |