EDI order response (openTRANS v2.1)

The order confirmation (also called order confirmation or order response) contains all the information to confirm the order. At this stage the order is considered legally binding.

For the order confirmation there are some details that are mandatory. Below you will find the relevant information in the individual description.

Order number / ID (ORDER_ID)
So that we can assign the order specifically, please always state the order number

Vendor number (PARTY_ID type="supplier_specific")
To be able to assign the order confirmation to your account, please enter here your vendor number.

Role - Supplier (PARTY_ROLE)
As a supplier, you take on the role of the supplier.

Customer number (PARTY_ID type="buyer_specific")
This element is filled with our customer number

Role - Buyer (PARTY_ROLE)
We buy goods from you, so we take the role of "buyer".

Customer number (BUYER_IDREF))
This field serves as confirmation and is filled in again with the customer number.

Vendor number (SUPPLIER_IDREF)
This field serves as confirmation and is filled in again with the vendor number.

Item number (your system) (SUPPLIER_PID type="supplier_specific")
Your item number is entered here.

Item number (our system) (BUYER_PID type="buyer_specific")
Our item number is entered here. (Brack/Alltorn)

Quantity (QUANTITY)
In this field the delivery quantity is specified in the unit piece.

Description Data type Length/format Sample XML content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <ORDERRESPONSE version="2.1" xmlns="http://www.opentrans.org/XMLSchema/2.1" xmlns:xmime="http://www.w3.org/2005/05/xmlmime" xmlns:ns2="http://www.bmecat.org/bmecat/2005">
Our Order number String 250 <ORDER_ID>1990810500</ORDER_ID>
Order confirmation date Datetime yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00 <ORDERRESPONSE_DATE>2021-06-25T11:31:21</ORDERRESPONSE_DATE>
Vendor number String 250 <ns2:PARTY_ID type="supplier_specific">K1234</ns2:PARTY_ID>
Role Supplier String 20 <PARTY_ROLE>supplier</PARTY_ROLE>
String 50 <ns2:NAME>Your Company AG</ns2:NAME>
Customer number <ns2:PARTY_ID type="supplier_specific">S123456</ns2:PARTY_ID>
Role Buyer String 20 <PARTY_ROLE>buyer</PARTY_ROLE>
String 50 <ns2:NAME>Alltron AG</ns2:NAME>
Vendor number String 250 <ns2:BUYER_IDREF type="supplier_specific">K1234</ns2:BUYER_IDREF>
Customer number String 250 <ns2:SUPPLIER_IDREF type="buyer_specific">S123456</ns2:SUPPLIER_IDREF>
Composed by individual order items     <ORDERRESPONSE_ITEM_LIST>
Position line number String 50 <LINE_ITEM_ID>10000</LINE_ITEM_ID>
Item identifier <PRODUCT_ID>
Your item number String 32 <ns2:SUPPLIER_PID type="supplier_specific">654321</ns2:SUPPLIER_PID>
Alltron item number String 50 <ns2:BUYER_PID type="buyer_specific">56789</ns2:BUYER_PID>
EAN String 100 <ns2:INTERNATIONAL_PID type="buyer_specific">9783161484100</ns2:INTERNATIONAL_PID>
Item name / short description String 100 <ns2:DESCRIPTION_SHORT type="buyer_specific">ROG Strix SCAR 17 (17", RTX 3080, WQHD)</ns2:DESCRIPTION_SHORT>
Delivery quantity Number <QUANTITY>5</QUANTITY>
Unit - Piece Unit <ns2:ORDER_UNIT>C62</ns2:ORDER_UNIT>
Unit price Decimal <ns2:PRICE_AMOUNT>3200.00</ns2:PRICE_AMOUNT>
Delivery date <DELIVERY_DATE>
Datetime yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00 <DELIVERY_START_DATE>2021-06-25T11:31:21<DELIVERY_START_DATE>
Datetime yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00 <DELIVERY_END_DATE>2021-09-25T11:31:21<DELIVERY_END_DATE>
Order summary <ORDER_SUMMARY>
Total number of position lines Count <TOTAL_ITEM_NUM>1</TOTAL_ITEM_NUM>